NEW JERSEY - City of Hackensack Sheriff Sales

City Redevelopment & Sheriff Sales

The Department of Building, Housing, and Land Use is responsible for the administration and enforcement of all ordinances related to issues of development, building, housing, land use, and infrastructure. The department comprises three (3) divisions: The Division of Building Inspection, the Division of Property Maintenance, and the Division of Community Development. In addition, the department is the administrative arm of the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Rent Stabilization Board, and the Construction Board of Appeals. Since 1996, the department has also provided technical assistance to the City’s Economic Development Commission. The Division of Property Maintenance is responsible for zoning, property maintenance, and housing.


One of the many functions of the Sheriff's Office is to conduct the sale of real property after Foreclosure proceedings have been initiated.All properties sold by auction at the Justice Center are advertised in the Record every Wednesday as well as a local newspaper, for four consecutive weeks. In addition to the newspaper advertising, a list of properties scheduled for sale during the upcoming week is available.

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