OKLAHOMA - Oklahoma County Sheriff Sales

Oklahoma County


The Oklahoma County Sheriff's Foreclosure Sale is published monthly for two consecutive weeks at least thirty days prior to the date of sale. The foreclosed properties are published inlocal newspapers in which the property is located. The public may also buy property sale listsfor $4 (cash only exact change required) at the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office Civil Division located at 8029 SE 29th St MWC, OK 73110

Sales Location

The Sheriff's Foreclosure Sales are located in the Oklahoma County Courthouse Annex Building at: 320 Robert S. Kerr, Room 101, every other Thursday. You must be registered to bid by 2PM no exceptions.Registration is 1PM-2PM. Sales start promptly at 2PM. The Schedule is subject to change due to weather and Holidays.

To Purchase a Property You Must Meet the Following Requirements

  • Minimum bid must be at least two-thirds of the appraised price of the property.
  • Down payment of at least 10% of the purchase price is due within 24 hours of sale. The remaining 90% of the purchase price is due within 3 to 4 weeks of the sale date, before the confirmation hearing.
  • All payments must be paid using certified funds (cashier’s check or money order), made payable to Rick Warren, Court Clerk. Payments are made to the cashier at the court clerk’s office located on the 4thfloor at 320 Robert S. Kerr.You will need to know your winning bid amount and the case # of the property being purchased.
  • Any sale is subject to cancellation by the plaintiff.
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