ARIZONA Community Development Block Grants

Community Development

Community Development Block Grant Program

ADOH receives approximately $9 million in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement funds annually from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to fund eligible programs and projects in communities located in the 13 rural counties in the state.

CDBG funds may be utilized to address a wide variety of community needs, including construction or renovation of various infrastructure projects such as water, wastewater and solid waste facilities, streets, and flood control projects; construction or improvements of a range of community facilities such as senior, health and social services centers; expansion of public services to serve low-income persons; creation of new jobs through small business loans or infrastructure improvements; and various affordable housing projects including home reconstruction, rehabilitation or repair programs.

Funding is accessed through a process that is described in the HUD required Five-Year Consolidated Plan and annual action plan updates to the 5 year plan. The rural Councils of Government (COGs) partner with ADOH to assist communities with project administration and technical assistance. CDBG funds available to eligible applicants are divided into 3 accounts; Regional Account, State Special Projects Account (SSP) and Colonia Set Aside Account.

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